Election Day for Pilar Student Council

On election day, 15 September 2023, Grades 4-12 students, teachers and staff of Sekolah Pilar Indonesia voted for their preferred candidates for president and vice president of the Pilar Student Council. The former student council organised the election process from the interviews, campaigning and e-voting. Electronic voting, which used computers, an application and an internet connection, improved accuracy and transparency and reduced the time taken for counting,

The voting upheld the principles of “LUBER JURDIL”. This is an Indonesian acronym for the six principles that should be upheld in elections. It means to vote directly for candidates, without intermediaries; to vote for all school community members who meet the requirements; to vote freely, without coercion or intimidation; and to vote in secret. The election must be conducted honestly and fairly.

After students had voted, the former Pilar Student Council announced the elected president and vice-president for Junior High and Senior High. The students were very excited to celebrate the implementation of democracy. Bapak Iwan Kresna Setiadi, as the Management Board of Sekolah Pilar Indonesia, gave a message to support the new student council in their new roles. They are encouraged to design great programmes collaboratively.