Yeremia Harvesta Christ, S.T., SPI 2017 Alumnus

“I learnt many things from public speaking to networking with many people.”
Studying at Sekolah Pilar Indonesia has given me extraordinary experiences in developing my soft and hard skills. I learnt many things from public speaking to networking with many people. I became more confident in problem solving, which ultimately had an impact on my life at college and at work.
I went to Sekolah Pilar Indonesia from Primary to Senior High. I graduated in 2017 and continued my study in geophysics engineering at Pertamina University. Currently I work as an engineer at PT Cipta Kridatama, a well-known mining company. I am based in Kalimantan to assess the potential of the mine site, ensure the safety of equipment used and supervise the running of the mine. I am very proud to contribute to the downstream mining industry in Indonesia.
The positive school environment at Sekolah Pilar Indonesia had taught me to be more responsible for my own learning. The teachers challenged us to develop our potential. Sekolah Pilar Indonesia graduates are able to compete globally in terms of critical thinking, creativity and communication. Thank you, Sekolah Pilar Indonesia.