“I developed communication, collaboration and problem solving skills through class projects.”
I graduated from Sekolah Pilar Indonesia in 2016. I continued my study, taking medical school in Pelita Harapan University (UPH). I actively wrote some journals. I was the first author of the research about “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Indonesian Health Care Workers
Regarding COVID 19” in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. I was also a medical pathway tutor in UPH. After I graduated from the university, I joined a doctor internship in a public hospital, RSUD Kab. Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. I will continue my education and dedicate my life to becoming a doctor. Currently, I am a research assistant. There were some publications I was involved with, such as A Systematic Review for World Ophthalmology Conference and A Case Report for Congress ESOPRS 2022 held in France.
Sekolah Pilar Indonesia is a good medium for growth. There were learning activities which allowed us to explore science and healthcare. Lab activities and guest speakers could spark curiosity about the human body and health. Class assemblies provided rooms for students to demonstrate skills in performing art, music and drama. I developed communication, collaboration and problem solving skills through class projects. The school instilled cultural values and soft skills. When I was in the Pilar Student Council, we organised keroncong festivals for youth across Indonesia. I got an opportunity to work with my friends, organising such a big event. We were very proud to be part of a concrete action to preserve Indonesian culture. All of the experiences really helped me in interacting with others. Thank you, SPI!